today is my FIRST day of holiday!! which i dont know wad to do.. suddenly, i feel so lost in doing stuff when my holiday is here. when im having my exam, i will say "when my holiday is here, i want to do this.. this.. this.." here comes the holiday.. i dont know wad to do.
i think im going to spend my holidays in watching dvds (as always). cause i want to brush up on my korean.. hahahah (excuses). but it's a very good excuse though. (: and and im going back to my secondary school on friday. i think going back to my secondary school is not that important. but the main reason is that i can meet up joycelyn. hahhaa. as in, we hardly met during school days. so, here's the chance to meet up practically everyday! but we wont la! (:
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
yay! im done with my semestral exam! (: which means, watch more vcds/dvds.. and which means have to spend money to buy! ):
and and i have to brush up with my korean language. which mean i will have to buy more korean dvds to watch and and also to read through all the notes that my teacher gave. and and and also the phrasebook. (:
You are in control..
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
im back from tennis cum zoo trip today!! (: i mean..
tennis today was GREAT. and and thank God that i went for the tennis training, even though my friends didnt come. and and also thank God that He provided a friend for me. which turn out to be GREAT!! heh! thanks Feriani!! (: i think we are getting closer and closer because of tennis!! thank God!! (:
after tennis, i went to koufu and eat a bao, dont ask me why i just eat a bao... i slacked there until 12.05pm. and headed to AMK hub.. i went to find the place where we supposed to meet, cause i dont really know the place very well. so i have to go and find the place in advance, so i wont get lost.. next i saw a CD shop.. and i tell myself "later, come back here and search some VCDs or DVDs".. and i proceed in finding the toilet, which is the another end. when i wanted to go back to the CD shop, i saw Wilfred and Phebe. heh. so, errr, in the end i didnt go to the CD shop la. (: which is also good, means that i dont have to spend money! (: so, seeing Wilfred and Phebe wasnt a bad thing too, at least im not alone, not slacking or whatsoever. (: have a good time being together with them too. (:
after that when the time is up, we went to the meeting point. and ta da, we take 138 to the zoo... which takes like 1/2 hour to reach.. but in the end we still reach. then we form into our groups. my group consist of gabrielle, alicia, ana, phebe and me... but it's so FUN to be in the zoo. ahh, all the cute and not-so-cute animal. hahhahahaha. but i take all the cute ones la. (:
so here's some of the pictures.. that taken in the zoo.. (:i enjoyed myself... (:
Monday, August 20, 2007
ended my maths semester exam. (: maths was okay though. but i didnt leave any question blank. so good. and and i finish the whole paper within 1hour, but the whole paper is 2hours. (: but whatever is it, i've done all the questions and i know how to do some of the question. thank God! (:
im cold... not because of the fan. i didnt on the fan though. no no, not the air-con... but my grandma just shut the window. and now, it's stuffy.
next up.. digital electronics. ):
which im not very confident in.. ):
and not forgetting my eng oral...
which now im still wondering, why am i re-taking the subject.
thank God in everything. You are in control! (:
Sunday, August 19, 2007
hope you enjoy yourself today! (:
i think is the travelling to school, make me closer to God.. in some ways or rather. going to school takes around 45-1hour and within this time, i wouldnt have just plainly doing nothing and stone at the people in the bus. so, i will spend my time wisely. like reading the Bible, talking to God so on and so fro. so, having a school that is far isnt that bad afterall. (:
enough practice on maths now. i think im getting a hang of the maths questions and of course the solution too! (: thank God...
exam is drawing near, i mean it's near. my first paper is tml. and it's not as bad as secondary school. i only have 3 exam modules which compare to secondary school, which i have a total of 6 subjects. of course the question in poly is much more tougher than secondary school. that why i have no problem handling 9 or more subjects in primary school now. :D
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
Sunday, August 12, 2007
it's raining now.. heavily. i LOVE rainy days. not that i like being wet or sick. it's just... cooling (: the coolness that cant be felt during sunny days. today i didnt go out, im superrr bored at home, did abit of studying here and there. there isnt any nice programme during sundays!!
im missing tennis.. i SO WANT to play tennis! ):
tml... going out to study at my friend's place. (: finally!! studying.. really pray that it would be a fruitful day.. i mean with all that studying and all. will get to understand the module and all. (:
Saturday, August 11, 2007
celebrated phebe's birthday in church. (: with 2 cakes! err. 1 cake is for HER only! another is for everyone. and the cake is nice!! (: especially the bitter chocolate. (:
i'll get tan-ned! (: so cool! i LOVE playing tennis! i WANT to play tennis. but no one want to play and very little people know how to play. ): suddenly i miss tennis, and i want to play. (:
semester exam is coming.. and im preparing for my exam.. (: im SO looking forward for saturday. and and, i dont want to stop playing tennis.. ): i want to continue playing tennis.. (: and and.. i want to play better in tennis. (:
Friday, August 10, 2007
though i dont know if you able to see this, but.. hahahaha. it's okay. (:
today went to celebrate serene's birthday... and cindy and i was late. hahahahaha. that's part of your birthday present!! hahahaha. cause she only msg us at 12pm to meet her at orchard at 12.45! and and, im staying at tampines!! plus, i still have to take bus to the interchange and all. and i reach there at 1pm. i tot cindy will reach there early, cause she live at lavender. in the end, we ended up in the same train. hahahaa. so cool! and we walked and walked around orchard. brought for her, her birthday cake. and give her birthday present. which she completely dont know. (you see, we brought her birthday present infront of her). yar, that's why. hahahaa. but, she didnt get suspect anything. we're such a good actor. (:
went to bugis with cindy, as she have to buy jeans for her work. and i brought 3-quarts pants. which i wanted it sooo much. (: im happy with my shopping today. as i brought wad i really really wanted. and cindy and serene brought something too! (: so, today is a fruitful day! (:
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
im DONE with creativity and innovation yesterday! (: it turn out to be an essay question, just like social studies and history. NO different. memorize, memorize and more memorize. i tried my best to answer most of the questions. some questions are really dumb. i mean.. yar. they are like copying the question from the book, which is good for those who went memorizing the whole book. which, you see.. i didnt! i tot the question would be a common sense question. -_- whatever it is, im DONE! and NO MORE creativity and innovation next semester. (:
this week is common test week. which im done with all the common testes and all. which means that im having study week now. im gaining weight, with all the nuggets and all the nice food selling in my school. argh! im gaining weight. it's time for me to exercise. NO NO, no running for me again. maybe tennis...
i having an urge to play tennis. (: i LOVE tennis. (: i dont mind playing tennis under the hot blazzing sun! (: in all I LOVE TENNIS!! (:
tomorrow, offically meeting my friend to play tennis with me! (: yay!!! though, im not very pro at tennis, but practice make perfect! (: (i just notice that i put alot of (: oh, there goes again :P)
i want to exercise, but i want to find a sport that i really really LOVE. but not alot of people know how to play. okay, maybe there is alot of people play tennis, but all i dont know. ): and my house is super far for my other friends. ): whatever it is, i still will ask my friends to come over to my place to play tennis, cause they wont go all the way to school just to play tennis!! (:
Monday, August 06, 2007
tml is creativity and innovation common test. till now, i still have no idea what they are going to test about. hmm, but i read through the whole book and still... ):
maths tutorial today. pretty cool though. it's way much better than secondary school. i mean.. they give you hints and tips. i mean REAL hints and tips. not useless ones. they give you the similiar questions, and whoa.. secondary school where got this type of good stuff!?! (: secondary school, they will say study the whole textbook. now, they give questions! (: so cool!!
most of my friends already finish school, i mean end of their semester 1. and i still have semestral examination to go. which they dont have. but but, they have more projects to do than me. (:
Thursday, August 02, 2007
i brought my top! yay! (: school is ending and semester is coming to an end. (i keep repeating the same thing) but it's true though! english oral is coming and now i really think, why am i re-taking my english? till now, i havent got my answer yet.
i dont like maths! especially the lecturer. BOO to her! she loves to shout at the microphone, like everyone in the class couldnt hear her. and she is supperrr hot tempered. ):
tml i have 4 hours break AGAIN! ): why my break is like so supperrr long?!?! ): but my friends and i have prepare of what we're going to do for that 4 hours! errr. maybe watch movies!?! hahahah. that's a GOOD idea!! (:
in random note:
why does creativity and innovation have test!?! what do they test on?
Question: what does creativity mean to you?
argh! i dont what and how they are going to test on! argh! that's so irritating! ):