Monday, July 26, 2004

Here ish muiaz another blog... Todae arh! Nothing happened lor.. coz.. all dae I stay at home mahZ... soooo boring sia... nothing to do.. Watch TV, Surf the net, Eat, Talked on the phone.. hai.. cn u believe it.. this ish wad I do the whole dae!!

Tml needed to go to school liao le.. den veri sian leh.. y weekend onli have 2 daes nt 4 daes leh? HAI! actually, we cannot do anithing abt it la.. =(.. Mondae which ish tml which ish the last dae of the Speech Day rehearsal.. hai.. veri fast leh.. den some more tml ish the full dress rehearsal.. den veri the tired coz.. after school den needed to do the rehearsal.. den Mr Lim surely wanna us to do a perfect one.. or else arh.. surely asked us to do again and again one lor.. SURE one la.. Y soooo mani ppl looked down on our CCA one? Our CCA ish veri that bad meh? HAI!

After the actual Speech Day.. Joycelyn, mi and other PDP ppl hor.. needed to go to the BBQ.. HAI! If Sat no training den I can stay there for one night.. But hor.. I think surely have training one la.. den I think after the BBQ den I will goooo home lor.. =)

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