Tuesday, January 08, 2008

annyong ha sae yo;

amazingly yesterday french was enjoyable. except of some small small parts, but mostly it was good. ((: yesterday lesson was the most enjoyable lesson that i had for the past few lesson that i have. partly because i prayed, i prayed for the lesson to be enjoyable and i wont be irritated by the lecturer. :D

anyway, today i got back 2 modules. Bs for both maths and electrical principles. thank God thank God ((: the results wasnt expected though, cause i did one of the question in maths the wrong formula and it carry alot of marks. i was expecting like C for maths. but thank God i got B for both maths and electrical principles. ((:

semester timetable is out tomorrow. projects are piling up. assignment still incomplete. deadline are near. *screams* everything NOT YET DONE!! )): OH! and semester exam is after chinese new year! thanks to my school!!

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