Monday, January 28, 2008

annyong ha sae yo;

ever since the semester begins, i've been wating for this day to come. and finally, today it came. YAY!!! NO MORE FRENCH!! i've finished my written test and equiz today. and today is the last lesson for french. and NO MORE FRENCH!!! ((:

im sick. not mentally though. but i still went to school today. cause have to hand it some projects to my lecturer and of course take my french test and equiz. i've a LONG, SUPER LONG break today. cause some since it's going to be end of the semester and lecturers have finish what they have to teach. and of course give us the tips we, students really need it. and after that, we dont have to go for their lessons anymore. so today, i woke up at 6.15am to reach school at 8am. and i have my lesson from 8-10 and i have a LONG, SUPER LONG break from 10 to 3pm!!

the equiz is difficult can. and the written test too. i was stunned/shocked to see the questions on the question paper. it's super dificult can. and half of the time i was practically staring at the questions. thinking if my lecturer really teach that sentence or what does that sentence mean. and of course nothing came up. and the only thing i can do was to pray and just write whatever that came to my mind. which is .... blank. ((:

but at the end of the test, i did write something. and i did finish all the questions that is on the question paper. dont ask me how i do it, i dont really do how. ((:

communication skills presentation is on thursday. which means i have to wear formal clothes to school and present. and i have to wear the formal clothes for common test. okay, i've common test for some of the non-examinable modules, but i dont know why there's common test. oh well, i have common test on thursday and friday. which is engineering science (which is like physics, no.. more difficult than physcis) and communication skills (i dont know why there's common test for this). ((:

im just glad that french is out now. but i cant really say that will it be for my whole year. or just now. ((:

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