Saturday, May 17, 2008

okay. i have one good news and one bad news. which is linked together...

okay.. bad news first.
i left my darling laptop in my keyboard class. so smart ah. i think only i can do this thing only. hahahahha.. okay, here's the WHOLE story.....

my sis supposed to bring laptop to church today. and my laptop being light and nice (this is i say one.. hahahaha) she decided to bring my laptop to church today. so being a nice and good sister, i let her bring my laptop to church. hee hee. anyway, i went out with her today.. she have to go to main church for practice. and me for keyboard lesson.

so when we are in the mrt train. my sis asked me to bring my laptop for keyboard lesson. cause she have to walk to main church which is far. so, being (again) a nice and good sister i agreed. hahahhahaa.. so everything was fine and lesson was on.. and then it was time to go off. so i left the class..

i went to bishan to meet my sister to go to church together. i brought lunch for her. and then got a ride from bishan interchange to church. and then went i reach church. my sis suddenly pop up this question "where's your laptop?" then i "*shocked*, OH! i left it at the keyboard class" then i quickly took up my handphone, my sis was like "why you take out your handphone? you got their number meh?" then i "no, hahahahah."

long and short, my sister got their number. and she helped me to call them. and they found it (this is the good news that i want to say) and then my sister going to take my laptop for me on tuesday, during her lunch break (her work place is near my keyboard place). so yar.. i will have my laptop back on tuesday.

and my sister will have back her laptop on tuesday. 'cause i will be using it. hahahhahaha. so bad right. haahaha. but actually her laptop quite nice to type and use. the only thing is that it's heavy that's all. hahahahhaha.. ((:

i dont think will got anyone like me. i forget all about my laptop until my sister told me la. i think if she didnt ask me, i will not remember it. ahahahahahah. anyway, thank God that i left it at the keyboard class, not like in the bus stop or something. hahahhaha..

thank God, thank God. ((:

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