Monday, May 26, 2008

okay.. i have 2 test tomorrow!! ahhhh.. and the best thing is that i dont have any breaks in between! and and tomorrow when i reach school it's my FIRST test of the day. and to end the day, i'll have my another test.

and and my nose is very naughty. it keep running. and it wont stop! )): and and my mum is having her second round of sickness, just because she hugged me yesterday! hahahaha..


when a believer prays, and heaven responds;
when a sinner repent, and the angels rejoices;
when a mission succeeds, and Satan falls like lightning;
when a believer rebels, and the Holy Spirit is grieved.
What we humans do here decisively affects the cosmos.

I believe these things, and yet somehow I keep "forgetting" them. I forget that my prayer matter to God. I forget that I am helping my neighbors to their eternal destinations. I forget that the choices I make today bring delight - or grief - to the Lord of the Universe. I live in a world of trees and telephones and fax machines, and the reality of this material universe tends to overwhelm my faith in a spiritual universe suffusing it all. I look into a blank blue sky and see nothing.

By ascending, Jesus took the risk of being forgotten.

(this is what i read in the bus when i go to school, and it's really true lo..)

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